Auvik Acquires MetaGeek

MetaGeek, founded in 2005, is based in Boise, Idaho. The company has 12 employees listed on linkedIn. MetaGeek's Wi-Fi tools help network professionals to "more efficiently deploy and maintain wireless networks," the seller indicates. More than 100,000 users worldwide leverage MetaGeek products to discover, diagnose, and optimize their Wi-Fi networks, according to the firm's LinkedIn profile.

Auvik, founded in 2011, has 227 employees listed on LinkedIn. The company originally positioned its software for MSPs, but Auvik has expanded its base to all types of IT teams — including corporate IT departments.

Auvik and MetaGeek: Potential Synergies

In a blog explaining MetaGeek's sale to Auvik, MetaGeek founder Ryan Woodings wrote:

"One thing that attracted me to Auvik is their excellent cloud platform for network management and insight. Auvik is to network management what MetaGeek is to Wi-Fi - an intuitive tool with awesome visualizations that delivers "aha!" moments to users. The opportunity to merge our Wi-Fi expertise with Auvik's network management expertise is super exciting for us! Stay tuned for some exciting product news later this year.

The other thing that attracted me to Auvik was The Auvik Way, which closely aligns with MetaGeek's Core Values:"

Those values, he identifies:

  • Empathy
  • Teamwork - Better Together
  • Work-Life Harmony
  • Default to Transparency
  • Keep Commitments
  • Always be Improving

Read Ryan Woodings announcement